Whiplash is a neck injury that’s due to a forceful, rapid back and forth movement of the neck. It typically occurs during a rear-end auto accident but some people experience whiplash as a result of a sports-related accident. Symptoms include neck pain, headaches, tingling in the arms, and dizziness.
The Importance of Seeking Care Right Away
Even if you’re involved in a minor fender bender you can still sustain a whiplash injury. It may take a day or two, or sometimes months for symptoms to show up. Now what? We encourage you to get to our practice for an examination.
Gentle chiropractic adjustments can help to restore proper motion and position of spinal bones and promote the healing of whiplash.
Time is of the essence as the longer you wait the more unseen damage there is and the longer it may take to fully recover.
Frequently Asked Questions
Book an Appointment
If you experienced whiplash, it’s important to get prompt care. Contact us right away.