Shockwave Therapy
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Shockwave Therapy

Shockwave Therapy

shockwave therapy on kneeAs an effective nonsurgical chiropractic option, Shockwave Therapy utilizes spurts of highly pressured acoustic (sound) waves to deliver a powered force to painful areas of the body. In addition to alleviating chronic pain, this state-of-the-art therapy may also help improve range of motion and reduce muscle tension.

Experience Pain Relief

Shockwave Therapy promotes healing and may provide relief from an array of painful conditions such as

  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Bursitis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tennis elbow

What Is the Process Like?

We’ll attach a noninvasive probe to your skin. Then, an energy wave that’s targeted toward the painful area will be created by an electrical charge. You may experience quick healing of the area due to the shockwaves generating a force on the tissues. The process is relatively fast, only taking about 15 minutes per painful or injured area.

Will It Work for Me?

As every person responds differently to care, we can’t guarantee that Shockwave Therapy will work for you. However, according to results seen at different chiropractic clinics, this therapy may help up to 90% or more patients experience long-lasting pain relief.

Frequently Asked Questions

Book an Appointment

If you’d like to learn more about Shockwave Therapy contact our practice today to schedule an appointment.