Chiropractic Procedures and Their Cost
The cost of chiropractic care is usually based on the procedures that are performed or the special training or unique services that are offered. Some procedures only occur at the beginning of care, such as an X-ray examination. Others are performed at every visit.
Here are the most common chiropractic procedures and the costs associated with each:
When Performed | Typical Costs | |
Consultation | Visit 1 | Usually free |
Examination | Visit 1 | $150 – $300 |
X-ray Exam | Visit 1 | $25 – $50 per view |
Report of Findings | Visit 1 or 2 | Part of the initial examination |
Adjustment | Every visit | $20 – $60 |
Reevaluation | Every 12 visits | $100 |
Some practices will also recommend adjunctive procedures during the early stages of care to reduce inflammation or to enhance the healing response. Published fees for these additional services vary significantly.
How can I pay for chiropractic care? Read on…