Not Disposable

Unlike mechanical devices, some say our bodies are designed to last 120 years or possibly even longer.
Were lucky if our television lasts 10 years. Same with cars. Computers? Two or three years, tops! We grumble every time we need an upgrade, but the truth is, few of us would prefer Windows 3.1 to our current operating system!
Unlike mechanical devices, some say our bodies are designed to last 120 years… or possibly even longer. To achieve this feat, our bodies are designed to survive.
In fact, many everyday symptoms are merely our body’s innate survival strategies at work, keeping us alive and as healthy as possible without any conscious input from us.
Runny nose? Survival strategy. Extra mucus production enhances immune system function, helping to fend off cold and flu bugs.
Butterflies in your stomach? Survival strategy. Warns you of an imagined impending physical or emotional threat.
Bleeding from a cut? Survival strategy. Blood contact with the air invokes the body’s clotting response.
Gas? Survival strategy. Remove toxic food from the digestive tract as quickly as possible.
Vomiting? Survival strategy. Remove toxic food from the digestive tract even more quickly!
Pain? Survival strategy. Our body’s on-board early warning system tells us we need to make a change.
When you consider how many survival strategies our bodies use, you understand why the nervous system is so importantit orchestrates the whole show.