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Chiropractic Adjustments Are Essential

Spinal joints that aren’t moving right can choke or irritate nearby nerves. Chiropractic adjustments add motion to these stuck joints, reducing nervous system disruption. Then, health has the best opportunity to return.

Chiropractor adjusting patient

Like lifting a heavy rock off your toe, our patients often report a pleasant sense of release directly following their adjustments.

Many Techniques

Sometimes a specific, highly-accurate thrust is used. Or an instrument delivers carefully directed energy. Or a slow, constant pressure is used. Several areas may be adjusted, or just one. Sometimes a popping sound is heard.

Feels Great

Because we rely on adjustments to help your body “right itself”, we’re highly proficient.

Most patients report a sense of well-being and ease. After all, if adjustments weren’t pleasant, our patients wouldn’t return for the multiple visits needed to retrain their spine!

Everyone Benefits

Newborns, infants, children, seniors and even back surgery patients can get adjusted. Naturally, adjustments are tailored to your size, age and particular health issue.

Find out for yourself by scheduling a no-obligation consultation to discuss your problem.

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